Mobility Diary

UX Jolt > UX Portfolio > Mobility diary MPN

Mobility Diary

Period: May – July 2018

Client: Knowledge Institute for Mobility Netherlands

The Knowledge Institute for Mobility Policy (KiM) provides knowledge for the mobility policy of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW). KiM conducts its own research and collects knowledge developed elsewhere. KiM ensures that the Ministry of IenW can develop policy with a solid knowledge foundation. KiM does this by analyzing and explaining developments, drawing up explorations and scenarios, and analyzing the effects of policy instruments. (Translated source: KiM )

As a UX designer, I was responsible for the redesign of a mobility diary used for conducting research on mobility. Participants record their travel movements in detail over a number of days in the diary. The challenge was to design an interaction that was accessible enough for people from all walks of life, so that they could easily record their travels. In collaboration wit testers of KiM, we’ve iteratively studied if the design was feasible, by conducting usability studies. I developed an interactive AXUPRE RP prototype with specific scenario’s that we used to do the usability studies with. I also designed a paper version of the diary for those who cannot use the digital version. Check out the case study for more details. View the case study for more details.

Proud of this UX design milestone

  • The specific section in the diary where the travel details from-to, including all times and destinations, are simplified and less intensive to fill in.


  • User research
  • Usability tests with detailed scenarios for the prototype to function
  • Interaction design (wireframes, flows, sitemap)
  • Interactive Adobe XD prototype (offline versie)
  • Graphic design